Saturday, July 26, 2008

Behind the Scenes

Over the past couple of weeks we've accumulated quite the collection of candids...of ourselves! Sometimes you just can't help but take a picture of your co-worker doing what they do best :) Thought some of you would get a kick out of these :)


Anonymous said...

haha, you guys are hilarious. did the practice eating of cake photo follow with practice smashing cake in the face? i mean what better chance to channel that awkward moment when a dozen drunk guests are yelling "smash it!" as i'm sure you guys have been witness too millions of times before! : )

Heyn Photography said...

There was actually practice cake smashing... well, it was more like delicate cake dabbing onto the nose. It wasn't bad, none of us were completely opposed to the cake-smashing but on the other hand we were being eaten alive by about six thousand bugs that took residence on Vanessa's car so that was gross...

Vanessa Joy said...

haha, THESE are officially the best pictures we've all EVER taken!