Monday, June 30, 2008

Lisa and Tom

Lisa was a bride that came to us because her father and John have been teaching together for years. Mr. Goode was the favorite teacher of several Heyn Photography employees (favorite teacher after John that is!) and everyone was excited to be able to do Lisa's wedding. Lisa looked stunning, and kept her calm despite worries about being caught in the rain. John assured her she wasn't going to be caught in it and he kept his promise... 8 minutes after Lisa and Tom went inside the skies opened over the Molly Pitcher Inn, talk about close calls!!

Early on in the day Cara spent quality time with the bridesmaids as John and Marissa photographed Lisa alone...after a half an hour we suspected that perhaps they had kidnapped the bride! To their great relief, it turns out the three of them had been having a great time finding poses inside the suite at Molly Pitcher. While we bonded with the girls the boys, having already been shot, were enjoying a beer at Basil T's across the street.

We headed to Deep Cut park for formals where we photographed the bridal party and bride in under a half hour...and those shots of the koi pond were out of this world!


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