Monday, June 23, 2008

Alyson and Thomas

We had quite the busy week here at the studio, engagement sessions during the week, weddings during the weekend. All had a consistent summer storm cloud motif, which meant great pictures for us! And, luckily for our couples, none of them actually got hit by the storm!

Alyson and Tom were our Friday affair. Alyson had a smile that made her whole face glow, and we couldn't get enough images of her! As she was getting dressed at her parents house, you could see her mother's wedding dress on the wall to compliment her daughter's wedding dress. Also, Alyson's baby shoes were on a nearby table, we just couldn't resist taking shots of such priceless moments.

As the day wore on we got to see Alyson the daughter, Alyson the aunt, Alyson the Softball Coach and Alyson, Tom's new wife. From St. Margaret's to confusion at Spring Lake to Oyster Point, it was a rewarding day.


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