Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kristine & Eric

December weddings can, unfortunately, be cold and Kristine and Eric had the unfortunate luck of pulling a particularly cold day. But any of our brides know that neither wind, nor rain, nor freezing cold temperatures will stop us from insuring that a wedding gets properly photographed!

This is very much a beach wedding location and we don't think that beautiful beach pictures have a season-- shooting it in the winter is just as beautiful as the fall, summer or spring. In this case the Point Pleasant boardwalk was primarily boarded up and it gave the pictures a very Vogue look to them.

One of the surprises of the day was that Santa and one of his Elves happened to be visiting the boardwalk and were nice enough to take pictures with us!! This is a Heyn Photo first-- we had never photographed Old Saint Nick before and it was certainly one of the history books!

Despite the freezing cold the bride and groom walked out towards the water and let us get some stunning beach shots. The pink-tinted sky that the winter typically gives us was truly as beautiful as the couple :) After the water we hit the inside of the bar at Jenkinson's which we haven't done in years! Later we warmed up at the Crystal Point as the couple danced the night away :)

Kristine and Eric were very relaxed and we had a great time working with them!

Click HERE for the slideshow!

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