Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jessica & Steve

Jessica and Steve were a couple of familiar faces...the bride and her sister went to school with one of our photographers! Also, the best man was one of our grooms from this summer! Jessica was simply breath-taking and her smile could warm your heart. It may have been January outside, but around this couple you could swear you were looking at springtime :)

CLICK HERE for the show!!

1 comment:

Passy said...

Hola Jessica & Steve:

Pasaba por aquí y he visto a alguien interesado por el español y la fotografía, así que aprovecho para dejaros un saludo.

¿Hacéis fotografías de los novios antes de la boda? Es decir: mientras la novia se prepara en su casa o el novio espera en la entrada de la iglesia. Es algo que suele resultar muy agradable.

Hasta la vista.