Some brides find us at bridal shows, some brides surf the web... and some brides are friends of former brides who can't get enough of us :) We are fortunate to have photographed not just Heather but her cousin Kristin DelPino (nee McKelvey) and her good friend Alicia Flynn (nee Walker). It was great that Heather had been talking to both about them about what to expect because she knew exactly what she was in for: pose on that windowsill, let's walk over to the muddy cornfield, how do you feel about sitting on a tree stump for us? (the list goes on)
Heather was blessed with remarkable weather for a late October wedding, it wasn't chilly at all! Even the beach was mild, although the waves were not...there were so many waves at Spring Lake beach that we were constantly dodging all the surfers! Who knew Spring Lake beach could get tube waves like that?
Also, Heather was fortunate that her sister Brynn, also her matron of honor, was up and on her feet a mere 6 days after having her beautiful son, Max. That's what we like to call a trooper:)
Heather, it was great working with you, like the friends and family that came before you, you were radiant, cooperative and very sweet to us the whole day, thanks for a wonderful wedding!